W. Hodding Carter and Gourmet Magazine's Extreme Frugality Series
I really like to see mainstream media getting into the recent 'fad' of frugal living. Even though people have lived frugally for millenia, let's face it, the post WWII mentality has been to spend all we have, then borrow more money, in order to consume more and more goods, thereby keeping the economy afloat. We're all seeing how that has worked out, haven't we? Our money is gone or soon will be, and our lives are not any better than our parents. More worryingly, we are leaving our children a legacy of living with less because we greedily took more. One of the better series on frugal living is Gourmet Magazine's series on extreme frugality, written by W. Hodding Carter. Like many people Carter took a look at his finances one day and decided he was spending far more than he earned. Rather than crash and burn, he took the situation into his own hands and he and his family have cut back their expenses, especially where it concerns food. Here's his YouTube video explaining how they do it.
Also check out Carter's articles, in Gourmet Magazine's Online Archives: Extreme Frugality